Wish List idea

Amazon, Froogle and I'm sure others have what are called Wish Lists. Wish List is nothing more than a list of items that a user wants to have. Wish Lists are great, but unfortunately if a user is using both Amazon and Froogle he needs to maintain two separate wishlists which is clearly inconvenient.

Thus, I think it would be awesome if some independent company would host the wish list, which could then be shared(with customers permission) with various online retailers. IMHO, this would be convenient to both customers and retailers. Consumer's convenience factor is fairly evident. But why should retailers be interested?

Well, consider the following scenario. Retailer A contains product X, and retailer B doesn't. Clearly, since B doesn't contain X, customer cannot put X into his wish list while browsing B's website. He can; however put the item on the list while browsing A. Now, a month have gone by and B has obtained X. Customer has returned to B's web-site, and B is now aware that customer wants X. B can display appropriate ads.

Note - that's just one example of how this would benefit retailers. There are others.

Additionally, the user should be able to set a price watch on an item in his wish list. A price watch is a price at which user is willing to buy the product. The company that hosts the wish list, would crawl retailers and notify the user if an item in user's list is found at specified price or cheaper. Wouldn't that be cool ?

Hence I think such Wish List would be beneficial to both customers and retailers. I wonder if this idea will ever see the light of day ?


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