GMail now supports POP3

GMail now supports POP3. What the hell is POP3 you may ask? Well, essentially POP3 gives you the ability to use your email client(ie. Outlook Express) to read messages in your GMail account. Great, isn't it ?


I think the main advantage of POP3 is that you can use devices(ie Phones, etc) that don't have a built-in browser, but might have an e-mail client to check your e-mail. Additionaly, offering POP3 makes GMail more attractive to potential users. So I think it's a pretty smart move to offer that feature.
Google hasn't pushed the feature to all users yet. They will incrementally enable it to everyone within the next few weeks. If it's enabled for you, you should see instructions on setting up your client when you click the New Features link on the top right corner of your GMail UI.

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