Courses for the next term..

Well, Well, Well... It seems like it was only yesterday that I started studying at the University of Waterloo, but in fact it was over 4 years ago. This week I was choosing courses for my very last school term, that will start in January 2005.

As it turns out I already took all the required courses, and I only need 3 electives to fulfill my degree requirements. I took 4 courses. 2 are CS courses - Compilers(should be very hard and time consuming, but very interesting), Principles of Programming Languages(not really sure why I'm taking that one. Seems to have no practical value, but I assume there will be some cool proofs in there, so I might as well take it). I'm also taking Interviewing and Law for Math Students(both are supposed to be bird electives)

Can't say that I'm looking forward to that last term. Coming back to Waterloo, in Winter ?? Doesn't seem exciting at all. Oh well - it's only 4 months, and that I'M DONE !! YES - DONE. WOW !


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