Some words about Cali...

I thought I might write a few words about California(or simply Cali, as we Cali it here). Weather is amazing(not sure how it compares to Vancouver, but I don't think it's much worse). During the day it's pretty hot(25 to 30) and low humidity, and at nights it's very chill and cool. Awesome ! And... not a droplet of rain during the 3 weeks I was here.

Unfortunately, Silicon Valley - is a really really really really REALLY boring place. To go out anywhere, one needs to drive for at least 30-40 minutes. Or even better, one needs to go to San Francisco, which takes about an hour.

San Francisco is awesome though. Beautiful city which has a very long history and TONS of tourists from all over the world. Tourism is number 1 source of income for San Francisco, so you can literally check out that city for a month, and still be far from exploring it

Some interesting facts: 39% of San Fran population is Asian. They have the largest chinatown outside china. It's freaking huge. Another statistic - 10% of San Francisco population(about 80,000 people) are gay. There is a huge neighbourhood where only gays live.

I also visited Steve in LA a few weeks ago. What a city! Half the city is ghetto, but the other half is AMAZING. Beverly Hills is awesome. That's where I wanna live as soon as I earn my first 10
million..(one can dream, right??) Beautiful houses, but most importantly HOT HOT HOT blondes. Apparently they flock to LA from all over states to become actresses. Obviously most of them don't succeed in their quest, but they still remain in LA hoping to marry a rich actor. Someone told me there are 900,000 actors/actresses in LA. So yeah - LA really impressed me(unless you go into the ghetto neighbourhood).


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